Something funny is going on with the Cold Stone Creameries in the Central Florida area. They all seem to be closing up, and then reopening again a few months later. I noticed this happened first in Altamonte Springs at the Uptown Altamonte location. February 21 was their Grand Reopening, and to celebrate they gave everyone free ice cream between 12:00 and 4:00 (plus free ice cream for a year to the first 50 customers) as told by this newspaper advertisement:

I had strawberry ice cream with actual strawberries mixed in as my topping. I do have a few issues with Cold Stone's ice cream and their whole system of mixing in toppings, but I am going to ignore them for now because this ice cream was FREE!

It seems the same thing is now happening with the Cold Stone in Lake Mary. They closed up a while ago, and now has opening soon signs in their windows. I wonder if they will give out free ice cream as well?
This is very interesting. My family walked up to Uptown Altamonte, the night that they had the tree lighting at Cranes Roost. We were going to get ice cream at at Cold Stone(which I must say was never my favorite) and, to our, sort of, surprise, they were closed! I find their reopening a little strange, too.
I'll keep my eyes open for free ice cream in Lake Mary, like it or not free is free!
So, were you one of the lucky ones to get free ice cream for a year?
No, I wasn't one of the first 50 to get free ice cream for a year.
The date for this year's free Ice Cream Social is September 24, 2009 -
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