I took out a pizza from I Love New York Pizza located in Deltona, FL. Deltona seems to be made up of a maze of curvy, house lined roads without much of anything else, so finding good food here isn't always easy. Finding pizza that is actually good was a bit more surprising.
While most pizza in Florida claims to be New York Style, it is rare to find pizza that is actually similar to the stuff you get in New York. I've found the Floridian New York style tends to be thicker with more cheese and sauce than the real stuff. Some restaurants even have gimmicks like importing tap water from Manhattan to properly recreate the pizza dough, but these restaurant's pizzas seem even farther than the real thing. I Love New York Pizza was a surprise, because it was just about on par with the thickness, consistency, sauce to cheese ratio, and just about everything else with northern pizzas.
It wasn't perfect though. I found the pizza to be undercooked. This caused the slice to droop down as it was eaten and the crust was way too soft and doughy. Also, this is a minor thing, but it bothers me when restaurants do this to their pizzas. The pizza wasn't sliced evenly. Some slices were huge, while others had a crust length of about two inches.
I Love New York Pizza did have a really good pie, and if they cooked it a bit longer to eliminate the doughyness, it would be even better!
If you want REAL New York style pizza, head to NYPD Pizza in Orlando, Winter Garden, or Poinciana. It's worth the drive if you want the real deal and not the cheap quality stuff.
i am from NYC and this is the best i have had from the time i got here in Deltona. i love the pizza and keep up the good work.
I worked there and if you want roaches, then keep coming in to eat there. The owner is a baffoon who decides to not pay you if you don't want to work for a cheap theif anymore. When Frank Cappello owned the place, it was to much higher standards then Frank Frigilino and his goofy wife.
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