Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pizza from a Publix Supermarket Deli

The Publix Supermarket in Lake Mary, FL has an experimental gourmet deli where they sell all sorts of ready made foods. Wikipedia briefly discusses this deli. One of the items that the deli sells that differs from the rest of the nearby Publix Supermarkets is freshly made pizza. The store has been open a while, and I have yet to eat any of the deli food with the exception of sushi, so I decided to try the pizza.
Pizza from Publix
A half cheese/half meatball pizza was ordered. I ate the cheese slices and was impressed for the most part. The only weird thing was with the basil on the pizza. It seemed they sprinkled a whole lot of basil over one slice of the pizza, and nowhere else. For a pizza coming from a supermarket though, the pie was pretty good. I have had much worse from nearby Italian restaurants that are supposed to have good pizza.
Pizza Slice from Publix

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its real sad that they don't serve the pizza anymore, it seems as if the deli has been scaled down.


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